I have roughly 8 days to have everything completed. It's time to get my rear in gear. Tomorrow.
Yesterday was a busy busy day.. which is why I didn't end up posting... so I'll make this post extra-informative.
Yesterday, I took a dump. Just kidding. Well not really. I took a load of stuff to the dump. Carpet that we had ripped up to put in the new flooring had to be taken, a bed that a tenant had left behind (thanks a lot.), a tree that I cut down in my front yard... lol my garage is pretty well empty! Thanks Morgan for alllll your help & humour :)
I also had a visit from my friends Briana & Josh. I was nice to lounge & not do anything.
Today I just helped my mom.. spent an hour going round and round in Orillia since the highway exit was closed, then we drove in the wrong direction. BUT we did find cheap gas & a Tim Hortons. Score. By time we actually found the other entrance to the highway 400s, we looked to see if that exit was still closed as we drove past it... & it was open.. All that great expedition for no reason... atleast it made a little excitement.
Like @ the gas station.. I swear the pumps were so antique. I tried
shaking the nozzle to make it work (since thats how my iphone works, I figured why not?) until a guy in a big silver pickup looked at me strange & lifted up some leaver to make it turn on. I learned something new. (next time turn around & shake the crap outta the nozzle so no one sees).
This week is going to be a list of experiences.
Tomorrow I get my hair thinned out & layered @ Oxygen Salon & Spa.
First time ever @ that salon. I know a few people who go there who absolutely LOVE it.
Friday is dinner night @ Oscars! Very excited. Also never been
A couple photoshoots as well.
AND I should be recieving my USANA package!
I shall give you all reviews on how these things turn out! Donatella styled reviews. heck yes.
SPEAKING of reviews! I got ANOTHER email letter from a bride I did photos for. I love the letters I get. I do a lot of weddings, a lot of nice comments, but I really do love my letters. Esp when it the subject line has many '!!!!!!' in it :)
Ps. deers are called deers when they are small, & when they get big they are called Reindeer.. true or false?